Entering the Stocktake Count
After the stocktake batch has been created, the stock count sheets printed and the physical stocktake count completed, it is time to enter the actual count quantities back into the batch in Micronet. There are several ways to do this:
- for most stocktake batches, refer to "Entering the Stocktake Count - General"
- if your stocktake batch is serialised, refer to "Entering the Stocktake Count - Serialised"
- if your stocktake batch is sorted by bin location, refer to "Entering the Stocktake Count - Multiple Bins"
- to load stocktake data into the batch from a hand held device (e.g. a barcode scanner), or quickly key in items and quantities manually, refer to "Stocktake Batch - Edit - Load from Hand Held"
- in Micronet 2.7, to load stocktake data into the batch from an ASCII file created in another software package (e.g. Microsoft Excel), refer to "Stocktake Batch - Edit - Load from ASCII File"
- in Micronet 2.8, to load stocktake data into the batch from an ASCII file created in another software package (e.g. Microsoft Excel), refer to "Stocktake Batch - Edit - Load from File (v2.8)"
- in Micronet 2.8, to load stocktake data into the batch from a file that has been created in a third party application, on a Denso scanner or hand held device (e.g. a P460 scanner), or quickly key in items and quantities manually, refer to "Stocktake Batch - Edit - Upload Line Records (v2.8)".